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Benjie's Web Comic |
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11:38 AM 9/15/2004: 033S2.jpg: Yet another comic.
2:47 PM 9/14/2004:032S2.jpg: So I made another comic, I think I may have finally gone round the twist as they say in New Zealand.
10:23 AM 9/13/2004:NG005S2.jpg: So I decided that it was about time for another update. meh.
10:18 PM 8/3/2004:031S2: Well, I probably won't be doing any real updates this week due to me having my girlfriend visiting and a party and working and stuff... but I might get really bored and doodle something or other... as of right now Crystal is having her brains re-installed which means that in the near future I might start making comics in PhotoShop and PowerPoint instead of Paitbrush and Powerpoint... I expect no one will be able to tell the difference... meh
1:27 PM 8/2/2004:030S2: So yet another consecutive update... Whoo!... and my girlfriend is coming up to visit... and I'm having a party... and MY LIFE DOESN'T SUCK!!!
6:31 PM 8/1/2004:029S2: So I have the next one done too... My fan base has grown to 2 so I am motivated to work on it more... make sure you are invited to the real party I'm having this friday by the way!
7:38 PM 7/31/2004:028S2: So I decided to get a little artsy, I acctually have another comic for tommorow... tonights was accctually mostly experimental... well whatever... Trish will be coming up in like 4 days so I'm happy and will likely stop comics for a while again... though it seems like I can never predict when these things will pop-out of my head... meh... enjoys!
6:45 PM 7/29/2004:NG004S2: So very tired... I'm going to bed as soon as I've uploaded this... and read a little... and played a round of warcraft3...
10:58 PM 7/15/2004: I will be maried in 6 months... groovey... anyways todays comic is being made on the computer upstairs... which is typically called my parent's computer... but until I manage to find my XP install key (or Rob finds it for that matter) it's the best computer in the house... and my good mouse moved to it when my mums started bugging out... anyways... enjoy... I'm more proud of the character design on "Josh" then the acctual funniness of this comic... meh. wait till you get to see him standing up...
1:19 PM 7/10/2004: So yet another comic up... weird... anyways, rob helped me streamline and compatibleate my archives page (check it out in the upper right or HERE...anyways... I think one or two on the weekends might be doable again... meh...
11:33 PM 7/9/2004: And yes, yet another comic... and back into the storyline too, you'll notice the numbering on the file names are getting funky... I understand them though... so deal eh? Anyways... yeah... bye! no word on when I might get another one done or when the archives will get updated... :P
12:41 AM 7/9/2004: So I made another comic... I misnumberd the last one, but I don't think I'm gonna bother fixing it... meh... I fixed some of the HTML a bit too... woot!
7:57 AM 7/6/2004: So I got this random email from this guy (web page HERE >> http://www.acweb.info/~mark/Comic-News.htm ) who was like "I read your comic" and I was all like "wierd, I guess I need to make comics again", and then I was all like, man it's getting late and my fiancee is leaving tommorow morning... and then I was asleep for a while, and then on the bus for a bit, and THEN I was like, "well, I guess I can whip up another random comic in paintbrush... meh)
9:56 PM 03/24/2004: So I Finally got around to making a new "good" comic... technically it still sucks, but I'm hoping the complete lack of comics up till this point, and the utter awfulness of the recent comics will make you love and adore my new comic... YAY!!! Also I'm engaged... YAY! As per usual, this isn't a true story, but based on a fantasy reality I create to make the universe I exist in flow better... it's funny how the universe doesn't flow in a logical manner, isn't it...
3:49 PM 3/15/2004: So again, this is another one I made a while back... added now... I HAVE hooked my computer up properly at home again so I 'COULD'create new comics at some point in the near future.
13/02/2004: I made a bunch a comics a while back and never posted them, I figure if I care enough to post them I might start with the making of them again... maybe I can draw and scan or something... (you see, I unhooked my laptop from my big monitor mentioned in the first comic so... yeah)
7:30 PM 10/29/2003: Again Ugly, even uglier really, it's all part of a plan though... I can't do very much art at work, but I'm coming up on a weekend so the fact that I'm in the "groove" of making comics should allow me to acctually make one in PowerPoint...
8:34 PM 10/25/2003: Well... it's ugly and it doesn't follow the story line, and I made it in paint brush at work instead of in power point at home... but it's something!
11:30 AM 08/05/2003: NOOOO!!!... sorry that this comic is late... my mom had a bunch of phone calls to make last night so I went to bed... worse then that is that I don't have a comic for tommorow... this is a bad thing... cause last time I fell behind I ended up not doing a comic fpr 2 months... well... it's possible I'll make one...
10:54 PM 08/03/2003: Hmmm... well, I had been making a comic a day for the past couple days... and I didn't make one tonight... but that's okay cause I made 2 yesterday... I'm not sure where I'm going with this thing... but I'm sure I'm going to keep it out of the internet helpdesk where I work... because I get enough torure there and am working very hard at not thinking about it when I'm not there...
12:40 AM 08/03/2003: Well, I broke through the creative block... partially... you see it becomes easy to make stories when you remember that all the characters in your comic are imperfect reflections of yourself... anyways... I'm keeping up with comics again... which is a good thing all in all...
12:37 AM 08/02/2003: Okay... I got tommorows done too... who knows how long this will go on... anyways... still haven't decided where to go next with this thing... who will end up being the primary characters and stuff... but I've been winging it so far... why stop now...
12:31 AM 08/01/2003: Two days in a row and tommorows is done too... my brain is really out of wack due to the widely varying shiftwork I've had this week... grah! anyways we're working out of this story line, after which I have no plans... hopefully I dream up some new hairbrained adventure soon...
12:13 AM 07/31/2003: Well... I knew it had been a while, but hadn't quite realized HOW long... anyways... a lot of stuff has been happening, but mostly I've fallen behind for lack of motivation... anyways... I finally got a comic done last night... and did another one this evening to post tommorow... maybe... my life goes much better when I'm doing this comic so let's hope you get another steady 15 or so comics like last time...
11:23 PM 05/23/2003: This has been the best week, and I found out that my g/f is comeing to visit YAY!... anyways... senators lost SOB! oh well... we'll be ready next year... I was going to update at 11. but my dad is using the phone line... yes I use dial-up... so-sue me... or send me lot's of money, either way...
11:17 PM 05/22/2003: well... just did todays comic... I have saturday off, so I'll try to get a couple comics ahead then... the last couple have been done kind of quickly... partially due to me haveing figured out a "groove" to makeing speach bubbles... and partially because I did them rather shoddily... notice that the pacing of todays comic is rather strange.. and that I didn't even bother to try and make the middle frame not look stupid... well enjoy...
12:33 AM 05/22/2003: I need a bath... I saw Bruce Almighty today, very funny... Go Sens Go! and all that jive... anyways... enjoy this comic... don't have tommorows done yet, but these things arn't that time consuming to make anyways... Uhm yeah... goodnight! (I was going to update at 11:30... but I got kicked offline and decided to take my bath before updateing)
12:08 AM 05/21/2003: Well, yet again it's time for me to go to bed... I managed to get today and tommorows comics done so I can go to the movies without guilt tommorow evening... I like this comic... I was going to make a metacomic about the fact that my narators had turned into charcters, but I changed my mind... talking to the audience should be done parker lewis style anyways... anyways, enjoy... sorry about not putting any work into the site layout over the weekend... but I really was busy... really... I finished reading Chapterhouse Dune...
11:55 PM 05/19/2003: I have no more comics in cue... now the moment of truth, will I have a new comic for you tommorow... who knows... I managed to write a letter to Trish finally so maybe incindental self-imposed responsibility has finally hooked me... anyways... have a good day...
11:51 PM 05/18/2003: well... I didn't get as many comic done this weekend as planned... too much distraction... meh weekends are bad days to have off because your always expected to "make the most of them" which means "doing stuff", stuff that isn't anti-social makeing web comics... anyways... I have told myself I will keep up with these comics... and if that means staying up late everynight to make an update... that's what it will take... I really don't have much else to work towards right now...
11:43 PM 05/17/2003: Today I won a pair of tickets to a movie sneek premier... and I saw Tom Green in the market... and I made more comics... anyways... lifes okay...
11:13 PM 05/16/2003: Well... I'm craving pineapple... ow well... new comic up... happy that it's E3 weekend... and uhm.. meh... it's weekend so I've been doing more comics... though not very many today cause I hung a screen door and talked on the phone for a while... put wd40 on the skateboard's wheels and it take a lot less enerygy to move now...
12:20 AM 05/16/2003: Matrix reloaded... good movie... unfortunatley deserves an R rating... Bought a scateboard thingy... way too much energy expended to achieve thrust... I must be missing something... Got a new hat... expect me to at some time implement it as a character... I'm weird like that...Notice the improvement in quality...aka bigger pictures and smaller word bubbles...
11:26 PM 05/14/2003: Well, I'm getting started on the next weeks batch of comics... whichc is good. It's been noted that my comics arn't always funny, which I would say is in the name of continuity and character developement... but I personally think all my comics are funny... so the blame should be put on my bad sense of humour. Anyways... I have a nice long weekend comeing up... I think Matrix 2 comes out... and I should be able to add some links or something to the page. I'm thinking of trying to rope some of my friends into helping me develope content for my site. Anyways... one more day of work.
11:39 PM 05/13/2003: Life doesn't suck, I'm very surprised... anyways. new comic... I also got a cool card from my supervisor that says I'm a good employee and I helped people today.. I feel fulfiled... though I miss trish...
11:46 PM 05/12/2003:Well, time for another update... sorry, nothing interesting to report about my life...
12:07 AM 05/12/2003: Wow! I never knew until just now that pressing F5 in notepad pasted a timestamp... new comic is live and for all of you fans itching for some way to tell me how wonderful my comic is (HA), I'll be trying to do some general mainenace to the web site over next weekend cause I have three days in a row off, maybe adding a link to a message board, or a guest book or something... I have some ideas, all lame, for makeing the site cooler... anyways... meh.
9:58PM-5-10-2003: Early update because Blade Runner is on TV... directors cut, BTW GO SENS GO... nothing better then beating a team that's evenly match... good show devils... these are the finals, whoever wins the sens/devils matchup will get the cup... oh look, I also posted a new comic...
2:25-5-10-2003: Okay... so apparently I'll be updateing on a "before I go to bed basis"...
added an archival system... enjoy
12:00-5-8-2003: I've told enough people about this thing to make an update... so here is number 3...
I'll keep this thing simple for now... seeing as I'm Lazy and all... Bonus TWO (2) first introductory comics!
Yet again I have created a website... this time, yet again it is a webcomic... who know's how long it will last, or how often I'll update it... due to the complete lack or skill required in creating these comics in theory this thing should be updated pretty regularly... basically the way it will work is that I will create a bunch of episodes over my days off and dole out the comics based on how long it will be until my next days off... eventually I'll get bored and learn how to do PHP or something which will make the whole experience a little cleaner... meh