Okay, so the reason I started this whole weblog thing is cause the gals at JerkSquad encouraged me, not the good kind of encouraged, like the "don't encourage the boy" encourage, like when your annoying and talk to people all the time, and then somebody pays attention to you for once and you get twice as bad at talking to people because they ancouraged you... what they suggested I do was start a Q&A site of my own, but fitting into the annoying little brother catagory of human beings I figured a crappy web log of garbage being spewed from my mind at alarming rates would help me hone my writing and comedic skills to the point where I'll acctually be worth posting on other people's Q&A sites... that and I want to be rich and famouse... just cause then I could meet Natalie Portman, and just because I'm happily girlfriendinated doesn't mean I can't still be a lousy fan-boy... --Benjie